07-28-2012, 03:33 PM
is there going to be a official release for a picture for advertimsent purposes? or am i going to have to make up my own for the display im building?
(07-31-2012 06:22 PM)Aika Nirvana Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance of extending this one more day since the cattery is having issues? Thanks
(07-31-2012 10:44 PM)Sanura Snowpaw Wrote: [ -> ](07-31-2012 06:22 PM)Aika Nirvana Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance of extending this one more day since the cattery is having issues? Thanks
Per the inworld notice they sent
"All Clear... for now![]()
Tue Jul 31 2012 10:16 PM
Our provider has given an "all clear" for us. They did mention a 'slight" chance that we could have some little hiccups in the next 12 hours but they don't think that will happen but wanted us to know it "could".
So for now, all is ok, and we will be extending the time for the special cats for one day for the trouble. Thank you for your patience and understanding and humor during these few hours, you are great!
So in summary, continue as usual with your bad selves"
Edited to add second notice
"Team KittyCatS! information
Wed Aug 01 2012 01:18 AM
To clarify - our special birthing event will be extended by one day, until midnight August first due to some issues our provider had earlier.
We appreciate your patience during that time![]()
For those who don't know, we have been having a special birthing which you can read about here:
Thank you again for your support and patience today! You are the BEST!!!!
Going for Gold,
Your KittyCatS! Team"
(08-01-2012 05:35 AM)Aika Nirvana Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks I did not get that post.
(08-01-2012 01:30 PM)Sanura Snowpaw Wrote: [ -> ](08-01-2012 05:35 AM)Aika Nirvana Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks I did not get that post.
There is a known glitch in SL with groups that are large that the notices do not always go out to members when they are offline.