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Hi there, not sure if this is the right section to post this... but would KittyCats consider creating the Singapura breed? Beautiful coffee / grey coloured kitties from.... wait for it... Singapore!
I just looked at pictures, and oh, my, those are lovely!! (Given that I am predisposed to anything that comes from Singapore Wink )

They look kind of like Balinese cats but with softer markings, cool big ears and a lithe body. It might be hard to differentiate them enough from other KC breeds, though.

Apparently, there's a bit of intrigue to their story as well
Ohh they are cute look like a cross between a Bali & Aby
Yes they are really really cute, and you're right, their markings are a lot softer. Would be nice to try and find a way to introduce them though. They do have a cousin, I think... the Ragdoll? But Ragdolls are long furred, and I'm personally pre disposed to short fur. =-)
(07-16-2012 01:28 AM)Fabi Ishtari Wrote: [ -> ]Yes they are really really cute, and you're right, their markings are a lot softer. Would be nice to try and find a way to introduce them though. They do have a cousin, I think... the Ragdoll? But Ragdolls are long furred, and I'm personally pre disposed to short fur. =-)

And yes, their story is very touching. Kind of a from rags to riches kind of thing.
awwwws They're both super cute! (Singapura and ragdoll) I hope one day we get to have long haired breeds as well. They could give you a brush when you pet them even!
Never heard of Singapura cats. <- says someone from Singapore. *face palm*
(07-16-2012 06:56 AM)Tashi Core Wrote: [ -> ]Never heard of Singapura cats. <- says someone from Singapore. *face palm*

LOL, we learn something new everyday. I am from Hong Kong, and have been thinking about getting a Singapura one day. There is a Singapura breeder in Singapore who breeds some of the most beautiful kittens I've seen - but they've all been bred purely for the stage (which may be why he's charging an arm and a leg for them, lol). Anyway, I've currently adopted an 8th gen orange-rossetted Bengal as my companion - an overwhelming loving and adorable little girl. *** Sorry, moving somewhat away from SL here.
Actually, the first time I had ever heard of the Singapura was when a friend took me to a cat show several years ago in Chicago. The very first thing I noticed was it's huge, almost cartoon like eyes set inside of this small svelt body. It looked just like a China doll - delicate and absolutely beautiful.
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