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Full Version: Suggestion : Collar Color Palette - coordinate & label?
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Could you offer a wider selection of collar colors that are designed to coordinate with the kitty eye colors? You could make a collar vendor that shows one style but can vend it out in many colors?
If not, then how about user-modifiable collars?

It seems like the eye color maker and the collar maker would do well to collaborate more and share their color palettes. Hope this doesn't offend anyone .... just that the colors are "off" enough to be disturbing. Looking for collars that will "work" aesthetically on kitties causes frustration. Current collar color selection makes for a nice display in the store, but a less nice display on the cats.

The accessory colors also could have labels that correlate somehow with the kitty eye colors. Example: I bought "sorbet gems" collar for kitty with Sorbet eyes. The pink is too purple and the green is "off" too ... The collar as shown in the box does not have a bright light purple lining, but on the kitty, the lining is ... fuschia, which makes it just a little less "matching." Be looking a kitty right in the eye when making collar texture, and maybe ... a bit more pixel happiness will happen?
I'd like to have more collars that really fit the eye colors as well,
like the Ménagerie collars that I really love, they are awesome.

(That said, Vrem, I think collar and eye makers are the same person Wink )
<3 the menagerie Collars as well!
They are so detailed and well made Smile
And yes they cover a nice amount of excisting eye colours.
Looking at the white Leather Stitched with Sorbet Jewels collar and getting used to it ... the match is really better than I thought Smile
What would you think about doing Black Leather stitched with Jewels versions?
So many of the kitties seem to have black eyeliner, or fur shadows, and that would pick up their black ... Smile
Uhoh Callie you found yourself an other person who is looking intensively to the details!
Yay I'm not alone in this Smile
I love your eye for details Vrem, very recognisable, I thought it was a Second Life jeweler habbit lol
I would guess that they do say a green that would look good with any green eye instead of doing 60 color variations for every type of collar, but I wish we had more for the Ody eyes as well as some darker or black based fun collars (like the gems). I am still hoping they come up with a way for others to design collars for them as well.
(07-12-2012 05:12 PM)Sanura Snowpaw Wrote: [ -> ]I would guess that they do say a green that would look good with any green eye instead of doing 60 color variations for every type of collar, but I wish we had more for the Ody eyes as well as some darker or black based fun collars (like the gems). I am still hoping they come up with a way for others to design collars for them as well.

I agree with you it might be a little much to ask Smile
I like the idea to have the gems collars with darker leather as well.
I would love the gem collars with a dark or black leather also!!
I'd love the collars to fit furs + eye color better as well. I hardly get any for my cats because they don't really match with my kittens :/
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