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Full Version: Mya Wants?!
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New Discovered Fur:
* Balinese Flame
* Balinese Cream
* Ocicat Ebony Silver

New Discovered Traits:

* Fussy Tail
* Boo Boo Whiskers

Please Leave Me A Notecard with the Stats & The Asking Price!
Really Open to Prices Depending on the Stats..

Thanks in Advance!
Mya Teichmann
*Bumps* HeartHeart
The first Balinese Cream to be sold will be up for auction tonight at 6pm SLT @ Too Adorable

He is already set up so you can check him out as well.
I'm Here! Big Grin
I have Bali Cream in 2 days I know if I have another one in case i'll Im you
(06-13-2012 03:13 PM)Fabi Lastchance Wrote: [ -> ]I have Bali Cream in 2 days I know if I have another one in case i'll Im you

Thankies! I appreciate it Smile Just send me the stats and the Price! And we Can work something out!
when u are on IM me
If u can IM me
Hey hun when u can pls IM me
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