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Full Version: NEW EYE: BubbleGum
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[Image: a49a157fa470a6ce2ae00c9b9b1c0f3f.png]
congrats hon on your discovery makes grabby paws Tongue
BUBBLEGUM is recessive to PEWTER

POsting for Orianna (DjWildone)

[Image: pv.php?id=f535650.jpg]
[Image: pv.php?id=8525645.jpg]
[Image: 24af8dad7f41cecab7574400b2cab550.png]
[Image: 8874667a6b8886d996821bbf39a9dae3.png]
[Image: df92376ce366e89ab971bb71263295f2.png]
FIrst image shows proof that Sterling is a bubblegum hider
Second shows Sterling's second kitten which got pewter and must hide bubblegum
Third image is proof by ID that Sterling is same cat for both babies.

BUBBLEGUM is recessive to PEWTER
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