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Full Version: Option to set partner while holding?
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More often than not, I am holding a cat, and petting the cat I want to breed it with. I find they produce faster when partnered. But you can not partner while holding a cat, because the other cat on the ground can not find it, or the one in your arms cant find the one of the ground!

Anyway this can be fixed, so we dont have to drop the cat, partner, and pick it up again?
No. .
(05-31-2012 11:46 AM)Spazzy Hurricane Wrote: [ -> ]More often than not, I am holding a cat, and petting the cat I want to breed it with. I find they produce faster when partnered. But you can not partner while holding a cat, because the other cat on the ground can not find it, or the one in your arms cant find the one of the ground!

Anyway this can be fixed, so we dont have to drop the cat, partner, and pick it up again?

I've never had a problem partnering a cat I'm holding as long as I use the menu from the cat i'm partnering and the cat i'm partnering with isn't also attached. The 'pet' is actually a sit target, so it will not be able to find it if *both* are 'attached', but you can stand, do the partnering, and then go back to your petting.
I cant do it either way actually. I was assuming since the one cat you are holding is technically in your inventory. I did submit a ticket asking this same question tho. Hmm?

Not really a big deal, or a bug, more of an annoyance to me really!
The cat you're holding is attached to you. It can "see" cats on the sim; but cats on the sim cannot "see" it without a lot of work which can open security holes if not done properly.
(06-02-2012 08:17 AM)Spazzy Hurricane Wrote: [ -> ]I cant do it either way actually. I was assuming since the one cat you are holding is technically in your inventory. I did submit a ticket asking this same question tho. Hmm?

Not really a big deal, or a bug, more of an annoyance to me really!

Try partnering the one you're holding with one on the ground, not being petted in any way. Also, make sure you're within the cat's range when partnering, it won't see a cat who's out of its range.
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