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Full Version: Apple Tipped Black Whiskers!
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[Image: 4d4fc9d34e4ba6fd5583912c975e6373.png]

Can't see what it looks like because it is behind the costume.
Adelia (formerly known as Darnesha ... I wanted a more Harlequin name for her!) hides Ruby Tipped Black whiskers

[Image: 1a0915f0f3aee90b638f2a3390563575.png]

From the first image posted, that means Maximum hides the Apple Tipped Black, and it is dominant to Ruby Tipped Black
Apple Tipped Black is recessive to Sage Tipped Black

[Image: 266612dc8e3249cdaab2c5de426457d3.png]

[Image: c817e75b9469e7b7bab73617892a252e.png]
Thanks EleanorSmile
Apple Tipped Black is recessive to Plum Tipped Black.

[Image: bdb4c6f5c11fdb67c123f9ee01d24369.png]

[Image: 61770dae22b757ac01022534e5652439.png]
Apple Tipped Black is recessive to Ruby Tipped White.

[Image: 77d0593fd9c5e73f4549303a61c0449a.png]

[Image: 1799c24eb5e6af129dac769e06e4969e.png]
Apple Tipped Black is dominant to Purple Tipped White.

[Image: c3d25b7abf54c09d2d337937389bd51a.png]
Apple Tipped Black is dominant to Blue Tipped White.

This PLACES Apple Tipped Black as recessive to Ruby Tipped White and dominant to Blue Tipped White.

[Image: 89be4d1ff3fc27a5322710ebeb16cc1c.png]
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