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Full Version: Finally on the KittyCat Bandwagon
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I tried to resist but alas here I am. My first was just a single black cat to replicate my soul kitty I lost to cancer. Now I'm in the process of setting up a platform on my sim just for my cats lol. After skimming MP I can see I missed out on some great sets but I am looking forward to seeing what the future will bring with new collections. Well met my crazy cat ladies/dudes!
My story is similar - I was finally wooed into KittyCats by the 2015 Firestorm kitty after seeing them around at various stores for a couple of years and successfully resisting, and at first I promised myself that it would be just a few, and just Siamese, like the RL cats I had back in the 1990s. Nine years later, my online cattery now has 16,332 boxes, and I am paying tier mostly to give some of my perma-petted kitties land where they can roam, show off their cute hats and jackets and be admired. Any time I try to cut back, or quit, I get drawn back in again. They are just irresistible.
Hi there Alyssa!

Aww, welcome to the KittyCatS family!

So awesome to hear you found your soul kitty! We hope you have lots of fun with all the other kitties as well. Smile

Happy Breeding!
Awww. Welcome to your new addiction.
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