Hi! New KittyCatS owner here. I have 6 kittens and this toy female glows while the others don't. And of course, I cannot modify her to change that. Why is she glowing? Can anyone tell me... ?
Thanks in advance!
(06-05-2024 04:55 PM)Dani Stipe Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! New KittyCatS owner here. I have 6 kittens and this toy female glows while the others don't. And of course, I cannot modify her to change that. Why is she glowing? Can anyone tell me... ?
Thanks in advance!
At a guess, I'd say it's something to do with your kitty's shade. There's a good forum post about the different shades and how they show up in world right
(06-05-2024 08:48 PM)Junie Nova Wrote: [ -> ]At a guess, I'd say it's something to do with your kitty's shade. There's a good forum post about the different shades and how they show up in world right here.
I believe you're right. Thank you, Junie!