KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Friday 25th May at Noon *mark your Calenders*
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=^.^= =^.^= =^.^= =^.^= =^.^=

Auction Time again in the Circus Tent with awesome Kitties :-D

As it is getting hot outside you might be graving for some SNOW so here we go:

6T Beng Snow w. BlueBerry; TWINKLE & Plushy Whiskers
7T Beng Snow w. perf Beach Blue Eyes & Shorty Tail
9T Beng Snow w. Gerb Orange, Porcelain, Rounded & Plushy Whiskers

MORE Beauties and Cuties will be added to the Line up !!!

On the Raffle: Bali Choc OS = 5T Tawny Lady !!!!

=^.^= =^.^= =^.^= =^.^= =^.^=
ohhhhh and that Raffle Board is already waiting for some slaps :-D ----- I hope I didn´t screw the timer again *lol*
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