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Full Version: New Whiskers? Gold Tipped White
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I Found, Yes Found and paid for a Mega that had new whiskers under the fur:
♀ Mega LOVE PARADE! -...

LOVE PARADE! - Deep LOVEOpen Notes
Fur: Genesis - Pearl II
Eyes: Genesis Evergreen (Curious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Gold Tipped White (Guitar)
Size: MegaPuss

I am taking it the person who sold the cat did not know they were new.
(02-19-2023 01:10 PM)ReecePie Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I Found, Yes Found and paid for a Mega that had new whiskers under the fur:
♀ Mega LOVE PARADE! -...

LOVE PARADE! - Deep LOVEOpen Notes
Fur: Genesis - Pearl II
Eyes: Genesis Evergreen (Curious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: Gold Tipped White (Guitar)
Size: MegaPuss

I am taking it the person who sold the cat did not know they were new.

Hi ReecePie - We cannot view that Pedigree link. Can you post a screenshot of the Pedigree page?
I don't have a picture of the whisker, its under the costume of the Special Kitty so I don't know what they look like sorry. Maybe Callie can put a picture of them up for us Smile Please
There is already a thread for this whisker color. Can anybody merge this one with the other one?
Ok thank you, Sorry did not know it was found, Glad to know now I wish we could just delete the thread maybe we can.
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