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Full Version: Perma-Cat idling
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Hi. Plz help. My Perma-Cat Sancha, age 122, happiness 89%, energy 99%, V1.8 is standing freezed all of a sudden, i.e. does not move, does not react to pet, just stands there. Pet animations are also not working. Even after I did a prior AvatarHealth=>Stop Animations and disabled all AOs this did not fix the issue, my avi just moves into a sitting position, and that's all. Re-rezzing the cat did not help. Waiting several days also did no good except raise the energy level. The scripts in the cat's contents are there. Other AOs not related to the cat are working. Help greatly appreciated. Thx in advance.
Did you somehow hit the Pose button?
Disable poses in the menu.
Hi there,

There are a couple things to try:
- Make sure your cat is not in pose mode: Click the cat > Animations > Pose > Pose Off. (if it is enabled)
- Give your cat a little 'reset': Click the cat > Prims > Low Prim > 2D Cat > then Low Prim Off. (This will reset your cats scripts and should fix the issue)
If you are still having issues after trying both those thing, then please file a support ticket with the cats ID# and our team will take a closer look at what might be going on.

(10-29-2022 01:19 PM)FoxieCat Resident Wrote: [ -> ]...
- Give your cat a little 'reset': Click the cat > Prims > Low Prim > 2D Cat > then Low Prim Off. (This will reset your cats scripts and should fix the issue)

Only that did the job. Ty so much, FoxieCat
Little family is happy again (Picture)
Aww, Yay! So glad that fixed the issue! Enjoy your cute kitty!

Love the photo!

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