12-21-2021, 10:02 PM
Presenting the KittyCatS! Create A Collection
Angel Babies KittyCatS!
KittyCatS! is proud to present a new way to build a Collection!
Often Callie will choose some furs to feature in a collection.. and this year, we had the idea, what IF we provided some parts, and allowed the customer to use their own cats and create their OWN unique collection???
And so Angel Babies were born!
This is how it works!
We have 6 different sets of colored wings, halos and collars. You can collect by the set/color you like.. and when you have your set, you can mix and match the collars and wings, and halos OR use them as they are!
By choosing perhaps a fur you have worked hard in breeding OR a cat your friend has bred OR if you've been eyeing some lines others in the community have bred, OR even past collections.... YOU can choose HOW you want to make YOUR own ANGEL BABIES!
What we LOVE about this idea is... the special baby IS STILL POSSIBLE!!
How? The secret is in the wings!
When you breed 2 cats with wings, the first time they breed you WILL get a special Angel Baby!! If you are breeding collection cats who have a special baby, the cats will have the Angel Baby first, then their special baby after. If you wanted a special baby to have wing, that's ok! You would just put them on after it was born!
You can also buy some wings to put on cats we have NOT made yet!
Let's fill the earth with Angel Kitties and YOU make!
We are so excited about this, and can't wait to see the Angels you create!
Also, the Angel wings/halo/collar set will be sold for a limited time and not ever be available again. Just like our other collections!
Thank you for reading and we hope you LOVE making Angels, as much as we have enjoyed creating these for you and hope you enjoy each of your unique kitties as much as we do!
Your KittyCatS! Team
KittyCatS! - Angel BabieS! Facts!
= Are KittyCatS!Cats with the Angel BabieS! collectible costume applied transferable? - yes! (unless they are a No-Transfer Starter Cat.)
= Can an Angel BabieS! kitty breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2, the first birth by the pair will give you a special Angel Baby.
= Does my cat need to have all 3 Angel items on to have a special baby? - No, It can just have the Wings. The wings are where the "magic" happens! It doesn't =ot need to show the wings.
= Can I breed an Angel Babies pair if they have had kitties before they were turned into Angels? - YES!!! in fact, if you put on the Angel costume on cats that are ready to breed, they will have the special baby right away!
= Can I buy more than one set? - yes, you can buy as many as you want while we have them on sale!
= Can I sell or trade them? - they are no transfer. You can "give" them only if they are on a cat which you have made an "Angel Kitty".
= Can I apply multiple sets of Costumes to my cat? - YES, BUT... it will only have ONE special baby, even if you put on many sets of wings.
©2021 KittyCatS! all rights reserved. All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.
Presenting the KittyCatS! Create A Collection
Angel Babies KittyCatS!
KittyCatS! is proud to present a new way to build a Collection!
Often Callie will choose some furs to feature in a collection.. and this year, we had the idea, what IF we provided some parts, and allowed the customer to use their own cats and create their OWN unique collection???
And so Angel Babies were born!
This is how it works!
We have 6 different sets of colored wings, halos and collars. You can collect by the set/color you like.. and when you have your set, you can mix and match the collars and wings, and halos OR use them as they are!
By choosing perhaps a fur you have worked hard in breeding OR a cat your friend has bred OR if you've been eyeing some lines others in the community have bred, OR even past collections.... YOU can choose HOW you want to make YOUR own ANGEL BABIES!
What we LOVE about this idea is... the special baby IS STILL POSSIBLE!!
How? The secret is in the wings!
When you breed 2 cats with wings, the first time they breed you WILL get a special Angel Baby!! If you are breeding collection cats who have a special baby, the cats will have the Angel Baby first, then their special baby after. If you wanted a special baby to have wing, that's ok! You would just put them on after it was born!
You can also buy some wings to put on cats we have NOT made yet!
Let's fill the earth with Angel Kitties and YOU make!
We are so excited about this, and can't wait to see the Angels you create!
Also, the Angel wings/halo/collar set will be sold for a limited time and not ever be available again. Just like our other collections!
Thank you for reading and we hope you LOVE making Angels, as much as we have enjoyed creating these for you and hope you enjoy each of your unique kitties as much as we do!
Your KittyCatS! Team
KittyCatS! - Angel BabieS! Facts!
= Are KittyCatS!Cats with the Angel BabieS! collectible costume applied transferable? - yes! (unless they are a No-Transfer Starter Cat.)
= Can an Angel BabieS! kitty breed something special? – yes! If you breed 2, the first birth by the pair will give you a special Angel Baby.
= Does my cat need to have all 3 Angel items on to have a special baby? - No, It can just have the Wings. The wings are where the "magic" happens! It doesn't =ot need to show the wings.
= Can I breed an Angel Babies pair if they have had kitties before they were turned into Angels? - YES!!! in fact, if you put on the Angel costume on cats that are ready to breed, they will have the special baby right away!
= Can I buy more than one set? - yes, you can buy as many as you want while we have them on sale!
= Can I sell or trade them? - they are no transfer. You can "give" them only if they are on a cat which you have made an "Angel Kitty".
= Can I apply multiple sets of Costumes to my cat? - YES, BUT... it will only have ONE special baby, even if you put on many sets of wings.
©2021 KittyCatS! all rights reserved. All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.