05-03-2012, 01:47 AM
Presenting KittyCatS! Pedigree V2
A picture is worth a thousand words.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
A picture is more than a thousand words… and we are happy to add PICTURES to your pedigree page!!! The CaTTery cats were so happy to be “seen” and the pedigree cats were like “hey what about us over here???” So of course, like everything we do, we listened to the little cats and now you can see them THERE too!!! Yes, they are so spoiled! I bet next they will want Lobster Kibble.
So now… you can not only read the traits of your cat, but also see them
We made the layout simple to combine compactness & readability. Additionally we made the following adjustments to the pedigree overview:
* Names which are truncated can now be seen to the full in a hover tip when you move your mouse over it.
* Cats & Boxes can carry a “CaTTery” tag, meaning they are in the KittyCatS! CaTTery
* You can now see both the offspring you bred and the offspring you own.
* The menagerie tag (and by extension CaTTery tag) is no longer shown if you are not the owner of the cats, because of “sentimental” reasons.
We hope you enjoy this new addition because the cats promised us you would!!!
Thanks for all your continued support, enthsiasm and being such a great community!! Newbie and Old timers, you’re the best.
Your KittyCatS! Team
©2012 KittyCatS! all rights reserved. All names, titles, and text © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.