Does breeding different versions of cats matter at all? I have already used the most recent updater to update the cats on my parcel. I have to remember to update old cats I bring from my cattery.
After I used the updater, I got a notice to reprice any kitties I had for sale on the sim. To my thankful surprise my cats were still priced *wipes brow*
Hi Beryl,
The recent updates have had to do with how the cats walk around in world and how SL communicates with outside servers, is my understanding. They were mandated by changes by the Lindens in the Linden code. Updated cats seem to animate better in-world.
They don't have anything to do with the breeding system which remains the same.
So no, different versions of cats should breed just fine together.
You don't have to update any cats you bring from your cattery. They will always be the newest version already.
They were still priced because they were already up-to-date.
Updating a cat involves placing a new cat down with the same traits and the original then deleting the original. Since it is impossible for a script to know if an object is marked for sale and the price (and the updated could not set those anyway), they get the new (reset) values which the new cat has.
Pulling cats in-world from the Cattery is just the create-new half of the update process since there is no original to be deleted (that happened when you sent it to the Cattery).
Version numbers only matter for the objects in-world. Cats in the Cattery have no version because they don't have an in-world object. Basically, they are the "raw" SQL record simply marked to show the cat is not in-world.
There really is no reason the use an Updater these days. It might help if you run a large in-world breeding area, but you can often do that in the Cattery at lower cost and without prim limits (there are no prims). As you know, using an Updater on your in-world for-sale cats can be a real hassle. Use the Dock, instead. That way the update is at your pace and you can note (and correct) the pricing as the cats update instead of hoping you remember what you set that box to 4 months ago when you put it out.
Thank you all for the replies and explanations. I enjoy learning the intricate details and appreciate it very much.