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We had two Birthday 8s for sale at an auction, which they came out last year, but then we had a discussion about if there will be a Birthday year 9 this year? Esp. since it is the end of the year.

Has KittyCats sold/give birthday kitties consecutively every year? I thought yes, but could be wrong.
we have given them away every year but this one... this year has seemed to have a mind of it's own!!!

not sure if we'll get one in this year, never know!! i'm sorta afraid to plan LOL!! seems all our plans had to be rethought this year! and i know we're not alone!!

thanks for noticing though!! Smile

would you want one that's "late?" didn't think people really cared... let us know, curious!
Those birthday kitties get a lot of love. Many of us collect them. BUT, we can certainly understand that 2020 is not a year like other years! I think most people would happily accept a late birthday kitty but we would also understand if you just can't do it this year. You did give us the CareKitty this year, which was SO VERY 2020.
Would be nice to get one for 2020, the year of impossible possibilities *sighs* Be it late or not, would be nice to see a survivor kitty come out the other end, and just say "phew what a year that was"
But as Ellen said if you can't get round to it I'm sure most will understand, the Care Kitties were indicative of the year Smile
(11-03-2020 02:16 PM)Callie Cline Wrote: [ -> ]we have given them away every year but this one... this year has seemed to have a mind of it's own!!!

not sure if we'll get one in this year, never know!! i'm sorta afraid to plan LOL!! seems all our plans had to be rethought this year! and i know we're not alone!!

thanks for noticing though!! Smile

would you want one that's "late?" didn't think people really cared... let us know, curious!

If it is something you are able to do I know we would all love it. Even late it would be a little bit of normal in an otherwise crazy abnormal year.
Love China's idea of a Survivor kitty once this is all over as well Smile
Thank you Callie for responding, and we would have never discussed it if we didn't see those bday cats in auction. Yes, we all have been so busy with year and dealing with the pandemic and I think having it late should be fine. Looking forward to it, and in my perspective, it will be nice to have one this year because if some decide to collect them, they will wonder why this year was MIA.

Regardless if late, everyone will appreciate it.
I would still love a birthday cat however at this point would it not be better to focus on next years birthday cat? Since its coming up in Feb. Also I hope Callie is not blaming Covid for the lack of 9th birthday cats. The birthday was in middle of Feb before covid and we did still get sl birthday cats during covid. I would also like to see the Advent cat return but I know its likely too late for that one.
Advent is in December. Last year's was the Naughty Tiger.

I think that the Care Kitty is the most marvelous cat of the year. I think that the thought and attention behind it (working for 3 months apparently to get the mask to work) shows a genuine love for the community and a desire to help people be happy in these troubled times. I think when all is said and done, the Care Kitty will stand as one of the best cats, if not the Best Cat that KittyCats has ever made, because of the love behind it.
It would be wonderful to have a 9th Birthday cat - even at this very late date - it's a bit sad to have all the previous 8 and no 9th.

I'd also love to go back to an Advent cat. Some of those rank among my all time favourite Kittycats of all time. I did suggest a hybrid of a tiger and Snowflake (the 2013 Advent Cat) - that would be beyond cute :-)
It's the thought which counts: I'd be happy with an old, retired fur, Genesis cat paint-job over a normal Starter, and simply rename it as a Belated 9th Birthday cat.
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