updated closeup of the eye:
Congrats, another very nice eye
You got super lucky running a gen eye versus a starter. I don't suppose you know what Alberta's hidden eye is?
Really if you want to get more of those eyes from Alita in future weeks, I'd switch to an eye recessive to the strawberrry bellini for the mate (even if his name is Jesus).
Lovely new eye! Congrats!
Congrats on the find of the new eye.
Magic Forest is dominant to Odyssey Bellini.
Here we see descendants of Pure's cat Alita, the cheetah that threw the first Magic Forest. In this pedigree Alita is mated with a cat showing Autumn Leaf, which - whoa - that's a dominant eye, but the eye could have been pulled by whatever eye Kolhvin is hiding. The offspring Magic Weezles, was lent to me by Fergie Weezles so that I could pull the hidden and see what was under there.
When Magic Weezles is mated with a recessive-eyed Grey Matter mate, it pulls the hidden, which is Odyssey Bellini.
Magic Forest is dom to Strawberry Bellini
Recessive to Autumn Leaf