KittyCatS! Community Forum

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Hello Patrons!

At auctions we focus on kittycats to offer, to buy, to sell.

My idea is now to set up some Meet & Greets at several times to give all of you the chance to learn to know other patrons around our wonderful passion and addiction.

Saturdays at 4am SLT (starts September 12th)
Wednesdays at 9:30am SLT (starts September 16th)


also the Airship Auction time will become such a Meet & Greet.

Join this group to stay informed.

So there should be a slot for everyone to become part of discussions, questions, fun talks, tellings, what ever suits Big Grin

It does NOT MEAN you can not sell your kitties there.
We will have the possibility to offer, swap, trade, find hiders, ask, learn. It should be a comfy, relaxed meet up with discussions, tellings, fun, but kitties shall not be out of order Big Grin

I hope to see you soon in all health Smile

Questions, doubts, concerns and ideas, please directly to me

Hallo Leute!

Bei Auktionen konzentrieren wir uns fast ausschließlich auf das Angebot, Kauf und Verkauf von Kitties.

Ich hatte nun die Idee, ein paar Treffen ins SLeben zu rufen, wo man sich treffen kann, andere kennenlernen und sich austauschen kann.

Eine neue Zeit an Samstagen um 4am SLT (13 Uhr) Start 12. Sept.
Mittwochs um 9:30am SLT (18:30 Uhr) Start 16. Sept

Auch die Airship Zeit wird in ein Meet & Greet umgewandelt.

Man kann hier auch seine Katze mitbringen, anbieten, Hiders finden, diskutieren, Geschichten erzählen, Fragen stellen... Es sollen entspannte Treffen werden

Komm in diese Gruppe für weitere Infos:

Ich hoffe wir sehen uns bald in aller Frische und Gesundheit irgendwann, irgendwo Big Grin
Fragen, Ideen, Vorschläge oder Zweifel bitte direkt an mich
Hello Patrons Big Grin Meet & Greets will start tomorrow, Saturday 12th of September at 4am on the ROOFTOP - hope to meet and greet you there Big Grin hugs, Colleen
Hello Patrons Big Grin Meet & Greets will start on top of the hour at 4am.

Meet me and other breeders at the ROOFTOP - hope to meet and greet you there Big Grin hugs, Colleen
Meet & Greets Schedule:
TODAY!!! Meet & Greet me at the rooftop!!
Saturdays 2:30pm SLT (23:30 Uhr) (2-wöchentlich - bi-weekly)
Wednesdays 9:30am SLT (18:30 Uhr) (wöchentlich, weekly)
Saturdays 4am SLT (13 Uhr) 2-wöchentlich - bi-weekly)
Meet and greet me at the rooftop, today 4am SLT

Lift to the ROOFTOP

We have a Raffle board, gifts, discussion, talk, laughs, and what ever may come up to speak about.
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