KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: UKF Presents...A Duo Patron Auction Sun 09/06/2020 12pm SLT
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"I've been with KittyCats since they first started. Although I am unable to have real cats in real life, I am able to have them in Second Life, and they are beautiful, fantastic, and keep you great company".

-Lady Fi (fatimasimsmania)

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"I've been KittyCats for 7 years, and it's lovely to see the variety and ability to create cats along with the occasional surprises"
-HoneyBear (honey.crisp)

UFK Presents A Duo Patron Auction with Lady Fi & HoneyBear

When: Sun 09/06/2020
Time: 12pm SLT
Auctioneer: ςoνєгßⓄץ кєレレץ™ (coverboytoy)

Panel Summary:

Please join us and help support these ladies and show them your support buy purchasing their lovely cats. For more information please check out our webpage for more information.

If you would like to be a part of UKF Patron Auctions, please contact Michelle Woodget (michelle011997) or Unicorn Blackburn.

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