KittyCatS! Community Forum

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hello i send my two cat to cattery and want to get them back

the first one ID:4fa86e02-f38c-6e50-265a-e7fdf871be34

the second one ID:adbfedf9-57a0-1668-2375-f1b05cc7ba45
Fatima... simply rez a dock in world in SL and then touch the dock , select to get cat from the menu, follow the link it provides to the web page ... and then touch/select the cat(s) you want to move from online cattery back into SL. The cat(s) you select will be removed from the online cattery and re-appear on the dock in Second Life.

The dock is available for free, located in the customer pavilion in front of the Kittycats main store on Kittycats sim.
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