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Full Version: Collectable permapet Raffle Kitty
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Awesome raffle up at RUBY'S Cloud Castle AUCTION TUESDAY May 12th at 12 noon
This is a collector Kitty from 2014. PERMAPETTED.
♀ Alumit

Perma-Pet ҉ 10 days ☻ 83% ☪↯ 32%

Fur: hApPy biRtHdaY! - SL13B - Adventurer
Eyes: Galaxy Star (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Frisky
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: Chocolate Tipped (Shape: Swanky)
Size: 43 cm (16.9 inch)

tys and God BlessCollectable permapet
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