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My state has been in lockdown for 11 days now, I am deemed vital and am working more hours now than before as I had to set 50 people up to work from home. Just glad I am working and helping people to stay home and safe. I didn't hoard TP, I hoarded cat litter as I have 5 of the cute little brats in RL so I need a large supply.
I'm in Las Vegas, our state is also on a stay at home order for the next 30 days, maybe longer depending on our Governor. I, thankfully work from home and due to my age and health stay in. I go out only for food or doctor appointments. I spend my time either writing (I'm a published romance author) or I design since I have a shop in SL.
The thing that makes me feel more isolated than ever before is the quiet surrounding me here. As if the world has stopped and is holding it's breath.
My mothers words keep me going during this time of uncertainty, "This too shall pass", is my mantra is say every morning. That short phrase does make me feel better though. Everyone please stay safe and healthy.
I'm in the UK and currently living under 12 week shielding (isolation) due to to pre-existing medical conditions.

Being at home alone isn't exactly anything new so really there isn't much practical difference. Well, maybe in rushing to unwrap any parcels or post, dispose of the outer wrapping and rushing to wash my hands. I thought I'd successfully booked several weeks of home grocery deliveries (my usual way of shopping) only for it to fail spectacularly yesterday when Morrison's apparently delivered my groceries but I have no idea who to. It certainly wasn't me. Cue 90 minutes holding on their phone contact line, finally speaking to one of their staff, he took my post code and put me back on hold, 15 minutes later the call disconnected. I filled in their online complaint form last night, I think I managed not to rant.

The real difference is fear. Not so much for myself but for people close to me, especially one who was very ill last year with pneumonia and heart problems that have left him with serious long term medical issues that they can't fix.

I've spent less time in SL of late, don't seem to have done very much though. A little reading and catching up on some box sets.
(03-26-2020 02:01 AM)ReneBroux Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I'm in Las Vegas, our state is also on a stay at home order for the next 30 days, maybe longer depending on our Governor. I, thankfully work from home and due to my age and health stay in. I go out only for food or doctor appointments. I spend my time either writing (I'm a published romance author) or I design since I have a shop in SL.
The thing that makes me feel more isolated than ever before is the quiet surrounding me here. As if the world has stopped and is holding it's breath.
My mothers words keep me going during this time of uncertainty, "This too shall pass", is my mantra is say every morning. That short phrase does make me feel better though. Everyone please stay safe and healthy.

*waves from las vegas*
Thank you all again for sharing all your stories!

I have to share that we got the test results back today and my little one tested negative! Talk about a relief!

We have had a stray cat that has adopted us ever since Christmas. He comes and goes as he pleases, but we hadn't seen him in a little bit. Well today he showed back up and is bringing lots of happiness to the house...even if he is making it hard to work on tickets and stuff lol

Just have to share a photo of his cuteness!

[Image: d3cf74d4785970ed9024c7eca556e532.png]
(hugs hugs)

Thank you!
Hi all, I have been in quarantine for about 2 weeks now. So far, it hasn't really bothered me much as I stay home a lot anyway. This last week our governor had ordered a stay at home with only going for essential things or just getting out to get some fresh air. I live in Michigan so you can imagine that it's bad here and just from a few short weeks too. I live alone too with no support other than a few friends here in SL and church. It's nice to have a place like SL to go to hang and forgot about RL or try to anyway.

Kenzie CoolBig Grin
How can we support you?

Just keep doing what you are doing, and keep Kittycats up and running and my cats healthy. And ofc, take care of yourself and your own health. Smile

Are you quarantined?

No. We've been self-isolating and are lucky to have not been infected or have had any sickness or health issues during this crisis.

What are you doing to pass the time?

Actually, for me, the same thing I've been doing for many years. Get on SL, do things there, work, build, design, play, fish, and breed Kittycats. Add to that the usual binge of series on Netflix, Hulu, Britbox, and really life has not changed for me in the least - excluding the hunt for toilet paper.

My 86 year old father, however, it is not easy for him to be cooped up at home. He is more social than I am in RL. I however, am virtually more social than most. ;P

I have realized that we have to do more exercise, even passively, because not being able to go out or go to the gym, sitting around all day and eating when the mood strikes up, that is not healthy.

What new things are you learning?

Many things every day in RL and SL. Keeping up on science, news, and LSL and relearning some things I've forgotten in software, viewers, Etc.. Learning is a life long thing with me. Education, important. Retaining, however, is a little more difficult as I age. Hahah

I hope that all of you are well, keep well, and are getting through this. I know many will have harder times than others, and I hope and pray better times will be coming soon. We just gotta hang in there. Smile

I guess I'm in the minority of people working outside the home. I'm in the food industry, and instead of converting to take out, we're working with several programs to provide meals for school children (to replace the school breakfast and lunch programs) and with a senior program to provide shut in's meals.

It's a difficult time and was a difficult decision, and I question it daily... actually I question it much more often then that. The possibility that I'm putting myself or my employees at risk weighs heavily on me. All were given the option to stop working (to use accrued vacation and sick time until unemployment kicked in), to be honest I don't have enough hours to give everyone who wanted to continue earning. I'm rotating schedules but to take a schedule of 90+ people down to 10 or less working at a time has been daunting. I have protocols in place to ensure my employees are free of symptoms, and in addition to food safety guidelines we've added all new recommendations for contact free food service.

I wish I could see into the future, and know I made the best choices. When my morale plummets I try to remember the people that would go hungry right now without the service we're providing.

I think the one thing Id suggest is reaching out to the people who aren't quarantined or sheltered in place as well as those who are. We're all experiencing this virus in different ways, and sometimes just having the ability to talk about it makes a huge difference. So thank you Callie for this brilliant thread.
(03-30-2020 02:56 AM)Casey0105 Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I guess I'm in the minority of people working outside the home. I'm in the food industry, and instead of converting to take out, we're working with several programs to provide meals for school children (to replace the school breakfast and lunch programs) and with a senior program to provide shut in's meals.

It's a difficult time and was a difficult decision, and I question it daily... actually I question it much more often then that. The possibility that I'm putting myself or my employees at risk weighs heavily on me. All were given the option to stop working (to use accrued vacation and sick time until unemployment kicked in), to be honest I don't have enough hours to give everyone who wanted to continue earning. I'm rotating schedules but to take a schedule of 90+ people down to 10 or less working at a time has been daunting. I have protocols in place to ensure my employees are free of symptoms, and in addition to food safety guidelines we've added all new recommendations for contact free food service.

I wish I could see into the future, and know I made the best choices. When my morale plummets I try to remember the people that would go hungry right now without the service we're providing.

I think the one thing Id suggest is reaching out to the people who aren't quarantined or sheltered in place as well as those who are. We're all experiencing this virus in different ways, and sometimes just having the ability to talk about it makes a huge difference. So thank you Callie for this brilliant thread.

Potential health risks aside, I think it's wonderful that you've chosen to do this. I live in a small state with tons of children who rely on school programs to get many of their daily meals. My state also has a large elderly population who need assistance with their meals. It takes people like you to make sure those in need continue to eat. Keeping you and your staff in my thoughts that you all continue to stay safe and healthy.
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