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Full Version: What is KittyCats Rezzer1.60
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Anybody else see this? I have it on multiple sims with my cats.

Little balls like acorns with the object name "KittyCats Rezzer1.60"

I thought perhaps they were either butterflies or pillows or something that temp rezzes and couldn't deploy due to scripts turned off -- but the scripts are all on and the objects remain.

I have found huge batches of them significantly adding to the prims.

Actually, inside are all the numbered cats. So I think this is some kind of new born kitty carton thing run amuck. I had 50 on one sim.
they're the prim initially placed when rezzing a cat: a tiny white ball with all the scripts and models inside.

normally this prim is immediately replaced with one of the models inside, based upon the specific cat's requirements (mainly the prim mode).

my guess would be you had an updater out and it successfully told every cat to replace itself using this newer version, but something went wrong when that new version tried to contact the Mother Ship to determine the needs.

there's a comment about this recently in the staff area at the top of the Forums.

basically, just delete all this little white balls, get a new Dock from the Main Store, and cycle every cat through the Cattery. It's the same process as an Updater, but one-at-a-time instead of en-masse.
(03-19-2020 06:29 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]they're the prim initially placed when rezzing a cat: a tiny white ball with all the scripts and models inside.

normally this prim is immediately replaced with one of the models inside, based upon the specific cat's requirements (mainly the prim mode).

my guess would be you had an updater out and it successfully told every cat to replace itself using this newer version, but something went wrong when that new version tried to contact the Mother Ship to determine the needs.

there's a comment about this recently in the staff area at the top of the Forums.

basically, just delete all this little white balls, get a new Dock from the Main Store, and cycle every cat through the Cattery. It's the same process as an Updater, but one-at-a-time instead of en-masse.

I don't think that can be the case, because I have like 4 cats on one sim only, but there are like 50 of the little balls.

What you're describing sounds time-consuming and complicated but I'll try it.
Sending 4 cats to the cattery to update will take a few moments, the current version is 1.62, so your cats will need updating, if your cats are breeding and were unable to rez the box they may have kept trying. I saw reports of this occuring in chat after this weeks restarts, cats not breeding just producing an excessive number of these rezzer balls. In these circumstances popping the cats up to the cattery to complete their breeding cycle is a good idea, then use a dock to bring back the cats and their boxes.
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