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Am So. um 13 Uhr -> Wald-Camp-Auktion
Kostenlose Panels! 1L zahlen, 1L zurück.
WALD CAMP AUCTION Sun 4 am SLT (German/English)
Panels are free, pay 1L get back 1L.
Raffle, Geschenke (Prize Giver), Fishbowl für Raffle und Spezial-Panel für nächste Woche.
Every nation is welcomed to join.
Bis dann Big Grin Colleen

Das Angebot bisher (Line-up so far):

Same rules as known, tho you just need to be owner of one parent of the kitty you want to sell.
7 traits min. except very new traits.
Minimum startbid: 300L$
The panels are free, pay 1L$ and get it immediately back.
I hope to see you there, new names and avatars are always welcome Big Grin

hugs, Colleen
Hier ist das bisherige Angebot.
Line Up so far for Feb 9th 2020
Es sind noch Panels frei!
Still some panels open for Sunday!

(01-11-2020 04:41 AM)Colleen McConaught Wrote: [ -> ]Am So. um 13 Uhr -> Wald-Camp-Auktion
Kostenlose Panels! 1L zahlen, 1L zurück.
WALD CAMP AUCTION Sun 4 am SLT (mainly German)
Panels are free, pay 1L get back 1L.
Raffle, Geschenke (Prize Giver), Fishbowl für Raffle und Spezial-Panel für nächste Woche.
Every nation is welcomed to join.
Bis dann Big Grin Colleen

Das Angebot bisher (Line-up so far):

Every Sunday at 4am SLT at Kittylips KittyCatS Market:

The main language is German, but the main drill is the same like at other auctions, traits wont be translated.
Same rules as known, tho you just need to be owner of one parent of the kitty you want to sell.
7 traits min. except very new traits.
Minimum startbid: 100L$
The panels are free, pay 1L$ and get it immediately back.
I hope to see you there, new names and avatars are always welcome Big Grin

hugs, Colleen
Still two panels available for Sun. Feb 9th.
Am So. um 13 Uhr -> Wald-Camp-Auktion[/b]
Kostenlose Panels! 1L zahlen, 1L zurück.
WALD CAMP AUCTION Sun 4 am SLT (mainly German)
Panels are free, pay 1L get back 1L.
Raffle, Geschenke (Prize Giver), Fishbowl für Raffle und Spezial-Panel für nächste Woche.
Every nation is welcomed to join.
Bis dann Big Grin Colleen

Das Angebot bisher (Line-up so far):

Every Sunday at 4am SLT at Kittylips KittyCatS Market:

The main language is German, but the main drill is the same like at other auctions, traits wont be translated.
Same rules as known, tho you just need to be owner of one parent of the kitty you want to sell.
7 traits min. except very new traits.
Minimum startbid: 100L$
The panels are free, pay 1L$ and get it immediately back.
I hope to see you there, new names and avatars are always welcome Big Grin

hugs, Colleen
Es sind noch ein paar Panels verfügbar, kostenlos!
Zahl 1 L, bekomme 1 L zurück.
Ich freu mich auf Euch1

Still panels available. They are free... pay 1 L and get 1 L back.
Hope to see you there Smile
we have a sweet line-up for today's Wald Camp Auktion at 4 AM at Kittylips Market.

Come join us for a funny time and some nice deals.
Still some panels available, es sind noch ein paar Panels frei.
Line up so far / Angebot bis jetzt:

Todays set list:
Come and have a look and grab your favorite kitty home Smile
Hope to see you there.

Still some panels available, es sind noch ein paar Panels frei.
Line up so far / Angebot bis jetzt:

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