KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: New Boxes 05/02/2020
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Special Sale Listings on the Market Place Shy
I have been making deep cuts to special sizes and even collector KittyCats, I hope you find the one you love at a price you can afford! Smile

!NEW PERMA PETS! New boxes and New Special Sale Boxes!

I have added 3 new perma pets, two are toy sized
Have a look:
!!Perma Pet!! aPRIL fOOLS KittyCats - Guendolen
!!Perma Pet!! TOY KittyCats - Hitoshi
!!Perma Pet!! TOY KittyCats - Midnight

The gacha style listings continue to grow in popularity.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to look over my MP store and participate.
Good luck to everyone and I hope you love your KittyCats as much as I do!

*Newborn Kitten Boxes specified fur, starting at 100L each*

Looking for something more specific? Check out the large stock of Newborn Boxes for just 100L each

Heart I will be adding more collectables as individual boxes so check back oftenHeart

The MP store is here:
! AA KittyCats !

Special sizes starting at 400L.
Special edition furs start at 2000L

[color=#32CD32]**Special edition furs** currently listed
bLOOmS & biRDieS! - Unity
..Crazy Love
..Paisley Love
SL 14 birthday Carnivaleque Baby
..SuperCats! The Boss
..Team KittyCats! 2016 Tonkie..
Painted Love! <<< BEST BUY MARK DOWN

Click to go to the MarketPlace: ! AA KittyCats !

Don't see what you are looking for? Drop a note card on me in world with the info on your search and I will see what I have in the cattery. I try to reply to every inquiry within a day.

Hoping you have a great day!
To everyone who has been asking:
I will be selling collectables as Male/Female pairs as soon as I can decide which ones I am willing to part with, but it is a tough choice! LOL
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