Hogan we need that pedigree.. that sounds like a proof!
In the meantime, while we hope to get something from Hogan, Bubble Babe Resident has gotten us a step further: Tiger! - Dusky Plum is dominant to Tiger! - Lavender.
Here we see a plum and a lavender boinked together. They produce Adnan showing plum. When matched with a more recessive furred Rita (the foxie dusty slate hiding.... something more recessive) it pulls Adnan's hidden fur, which is the Tiger! - Lavender.
Okay, I got in touch with Hogan and here's the proof: Tiger! Dusky Plum is dominant to Tonkinese - Blue Point.
It is a standard mating (AnnaBella and Notus) and then pull the hidden on the offspring (Gracie-Lynn the plum) with the Toyger Snow recessive Philip.
Tiger! - Dusky Plum is recessive to Balinese - Lilac Lynx.
And we have a range! Finally! Thank you Eleanor!
Tiger! - Dusky Plum is recessive to Tiger! - Purple Kiwi
Tiger! - Dusky Plum is recessive to Bengal - Black.
Tiger! - Dusky Plum is recessive to Siamese - Chocolate Tortie.
Tiger! - Dusky Plum is recessive to Abyssian - Dark Chocolate.
Tiger! - Dusky Plum is dominant to Abyssinian - Platinum