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Full Version: new Ears Odyssey Tiger Fold
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Quite unintentionally I got this baby today while trying to see if Dad hides RockAmethyst, because he probably hides Equine under his Pixie Point I have popped the baby to check what hides.

[Image: 744d523c6e10962cd29c846600116052.png]
I think you already have a hard proof that Odyssey Tiger Fold is dominant to Scotty Fold but in case you need a second proof.

Mom Birgit shows Tiger Fold
Dad Mikhail shows Odyssey Tiger Fold
Baby shows Scotty Fold
Therefore Scotty Fold is dad Mikhail's hid. Mom with Tiger Fold cannot hide Scott Fold. Odyssey Tiger Fold is dominant to Scotty Fold.

[Image: a792d847ee1a75ae3768d323afb8f933.png]
Quick update on my tests here, The Ody Tiger Fold shown above didn't hide Pixie Point but her brother has Pixie Point and I am currently checking his hid, if he hides Ody Tiger Fold I have a very old and pure Soft Curl lined up to put against him to complete the placement. The Soft Curl box predates the release of Scotty Fold which replaced Soft Curl as most recessive so I know the ear has to be pure Smile
If he doesn't hide it I'll be carrying on the test using the sibling pair to make boxes and test.
recessive to Pi[/u]xie Point

[Image: cbc9c9393822506d125880dc453349f1.png]
Proof that Odyssey Tiger Fold is dominant to Soft Curl
Reposting Sibele's pedigreee:

[Image: e41f457e597b6eac000bfe25b7663131.png]

I am afraid that this is insufficient as a proof. What we would need is proof that the soft curl ear on Lynne is pure. Any of the soft curl tigers on Lynne's side of the pedigree could hide a more recessive hidden ear and what we could be seeing is Odyssey Tiger Fold showing over a more recessive ear.

There are a couple of ways forward. One is to try to go back through Lynne's family tree painstakingly until a proof of purity can be achieved (if the ear IS indeed pure). The other, often more easy, option is to "pull the hidden". You open the New Born Kitten and run it with a more recessive ear'd cat showing Tufted or TigerFold for instance and try to pull the hidden ear from the New Born Kitten. If it is Soft Curl then you have your proof. Most proofs need to go through this 2-stage process of putting the two traits together on a cat and then pulling the hidden on the kitten.

Either I or Arwen Swordthain are happy to go over Lynne's pedigrees if you want us to. We can chat inworld if you wish.
Thank you very much for taking on this project. We LOVE people who are willing to do test breeding for the charts.
Thanks, Ivy!

I would appreciate going through the lineage of Lynne, but I am going to wait until I have another cat with this ear before I start breeding it with an off trait, as I was trying to get this ear on this fur... Big Grin
Dominant to Soft Curl

[Image: 672c3a5b0c97e52f1d7f160a661f3c2b.png]

Phase hides Odyssey Tiger Fold as shown previously when it was pulled from under the Pixie Point for that proof.

Chantay is a pure Soft Curl as her lineage predates the discovery of Scotty Fold and Soft Curl was most recessive until Scotty Fold was released so all Soft Curl predating Scotty Fold are pure.
Lady Brat Charm was a pure Soft Curl, Feldon her son hides it from her so we look at her parents, her mother is 2091 days old that means her box was birthed on Oct 31st 2014.
Scotty Fold was found in the Winter 2014 Collection on 11th January 2015, the collection was released on Dec 14th 2014. Therefore Lady Brat Charms parents were both pure Soft Curl so she must be, Feldon hides Soft Curl from Lady Brat Charm and passed it to Chantay meaning Chantay is a pure Soft Curl.

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