I'm posting on behalf of Bubble Babe/ bblebabe Resident who has discovered the NEW Shade Brilliant.
Congratulations on this new find!
Yay another new shade! And on a costume kitty to boot haha. These kitties aren't ready to show the full beauty of their true shades just yet. But soooooooon! Congrats!
Thats not really a huge surprise, so now we need to know the order between them all
My Radiant & Sparkle babies bred last night and produced a Brilliant,
So Brilliant is recessive to at least one of them, we just have no way yet to know which or if its both.
Frank & Amory are both backbreedingto daughters so hopefully the results of those later might shed some light.
Have posted comparison pictures over on the shade thread as well since all 3 have the same fur.
Brilliant is recessive to Radiant
Amory hides Brilliant pulled here via a backbreed to his daughter
When Amory bred with Clareta they produced a Radiant baby, so Clareta hides Radiant and their baby Abasia hides Brilliant.
As was already shown Abasia Shows Radiant and hides Brilliant
She bred with Achoo who Shows Sparkle and their baby was a Brilliant
So now we know that Brilliant passed from Abasia but what did Achoo pass. Well they have actually bred 3 times and I got a Brilliant then a Radiant and last night a Sparkle
So since we know Sparkle is recessive to Radiant already and Abasia hides Brilliant she passed Brilliant under the Sparkle, from this we can conclude that Achoo also hides the Brilliant, yet to be confirmed from his Dad Frank, since His Mum passed Sparkle earlier today in a backbreed.
In summary Abasia Shows Radiant and hides Brilliant
Achoo Shows Sparkle and must hide Brilliant since he and Abasia produced both a Sparkle and a Brilliant baby.
Therefore Sparkle is dominant to Brilliant and that places Brilliant as the new most recessive Shade.
Cool! Glad these got placed in order. Now the extra fun question will be, did Bubble's first Brilliant baby really come from two Brilliant-hiding starters, or is there something more recessive still that hasn't been discovered?
(12-09-2019 12:28 AM)AryaElentari Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Cool! Glad these got placed in order. Now the extra fun question will be, did Bubble's first Brilliant baby really come from two Brilliant-hiding starters, or is there something more recessive still that hasn't been discovered?
Good question, I suspect 2 brilliants since I have 2, or I think I do, lol, maybe the one that hasn't passed it on the backbreed is different. Am carrying on anyway to confirm so we will see.