08-22-2019, 04:38 PM
Hi everyone!
Spoonful Of Sugar, a charity event to support Doctors Without Boarders, has invited us to take part in raising money for an awesome cause. As part of this event we will be taking part in our very own KIttyCatS! charity auction.
We will be providing a collection of various exciting cats for the auction and thought it would be AMAZING to invite all the various KittyCatS! auctioneers to be part of this special event!
If you are currently an auctioneer, (regular weekly auctions or bi weekly) or a past auctioneer who was regular, we'd LOVE if you could let us know if you'd like to be part of this with us!
We won't know details about how many cats each person would do until we know how many can be a part of this event.
There will be approx 25 to 40 cats up for auction so we'll equally divide those up and Callie may be brave and auction one all by herself!!!
We have 2 dates to choose for this Auction and would like you to respond ASAP to which date would be best for you. We will choose the date that gets the most votes.
Sunday, September 22nd at 3pm - 5pm SLT
Saturday, September 28th at 9am - 11am SLT
We are very excited to take part in this charity event and we plan to make it fun and memorable for everyone!
If you an current KittyCatS auctioneer or past with good experience and would like to take part in the KittyCatS part of the SOS Charity Auction to benefit Doctors Without Boarders please copy and fill out the follow NC and drop it in the KittyCatS! - Event Participation Mailbox by August 30th 2019.
Full avatar name:
Are you familiar with doing KittyCatS auctions?
Which date do you think would be best for doing the auction: (Mark with an X)
[ ] Sunday, September 22nd at 3pm - 5pm SLT
[ ] Saturday, September 28th at 9am - 11am SLT
KittyCatS! - Event Participation Mailbox
Thank you very much for your interest! We will contact you ASAP!
-KittyCatS! Team
Spoonful Of Sugar, a charity event to support Doctors Without Boarders, has invited us to take part in raising money for an awesome cause. As part of this event we will be taking part in our very own KIttyCatS! charity auction.
We will be providing a collection of various exciting cats for the auction and thought it would be AMAZING to invite all the various KittyCatS! auctioneers to be part of this special event!
If you are currently an auctioneer, (regular weekly auctions or bi weekly) or a past auctioneer who was regular, we'd LOVE if you could let us know if you'd like to be part of this with us!
We won't know details about how many cats each person would do until we know how many can be a part of this event.
There will be approx 25 to 40 cats up for auction so we'll equally divide those up and Callie may be brave and auction one all by herself!!!
We have 2 dates to choose for this Auction and would like you to respond ASAP to which date would be best for you. We will choose the date that gets the most votes.
Sunday, September 22nd at 3pm - 5pm SLT
Saturday, September 28th at 9am - 11am SLT
We are very excited to take part in this charity event and we plan to make it fun and memorable for everyone!
If you an current KittyCatS auctioneer or past with good experience and would like to take part in the KittyCatS part of the SOS Charity Auction to benefit Doctors Without Boarders please copy and fill out the follow NC and drop it in the KittyCatS! - Event Participation Mailbox by August 30th 2019.
Full avatar name:
Are you familiar with doing KittyCatS auctions?
Which date do you think would be best for doing the auction: (Mark with an X)
[ ] Sunday, September 22nd at 3pm - 5pm SLT
[ ] Saturday, September 28th at 9am - 11am SLT
KittyCatS! - Event Participation Mailbox
Thank you very much for your interest! We will contact you ASAP!
-KittyCatS! Team