08-17-2019, 01:09 PM
Presenting the KittyCatS 2019 Wacky Collection - blOOperS! KittyCatS!
KittyCatS is thrilled to present our 2019 Wacky Collection blOOperS! collectible KittyCatS!
Have you ever finished a movie only to see the funny bloopers at the end? Well while making the current collections we had our own blooper reel that we just had to share!
This new set of collectible KittyCatS features some of artistic mishaps that we didn't use, and you can decide if that was for a good reason OR not.
We hope that you enjoy or at least get a good laugh out of the bloopers that didn't quite fit into the collection!
Your KittyCatS Team
KittyCatS - blOOperS! Facts!
- Are the KittyCatS blOOperS! cats transferable? - YES, after you rez them!
- Do they come with food? - YES! They come with one week food, 2 Love5 vitamins, 2 Love Drops, and 1 portable food. (These extra items can not be transfered.)
- Can I buy more than one? - YES!
- Can I sell or trade them? - YES!
- Do they pass on their furs/eyes/tails/ears? - blOOperS! KittyCats are a specially designed collectible cat with random Genesis KittyCatS traits which have the possibility to pass their hidden traits, like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
- Can they breed something special? - YES! If you breed 2 blOOperS! kitties together, they will give you a special first-time baby that you don't want to miss!
KittyCatS! Shop
KittyCatS @ So CaL
Presenting the KittyCatS 2019 Wacky Collection - blOOperS! KittyCatS!
KittyCatS is thrilled to present our 2019 Wacky Collection blOOperS! collectible KittyCatS!
Have you ever finished a movie only to see the funny bloopers at the end? Well while making the current collections we had our own blooper reel that we just had to share!
This new set of collectible KittyCatS features some of artistic mishaps that we didn't use, and you can decide if that was for a good reason OR not.
We hope that you enjoy or at least get a good laugh out of the bloopers that didn't quite fit into the collection!
Your KittyCatS Team
KittyCatS - blOOperS! Facts!
- Are the KittyCatS blOOperS! cats transferable? - YES, after you rez them!
- Do they come with food? - YES! They come with one week food, 2 Love5 vitamins, 2 Love Drops, and 1 portable food. (These extra items can not be transfered.)
- Can I buy more than one? - YES!
- Can I sell or trade them? - YES!
- Do they pass on their furs/eyes/tails/ears? - blOOperS! KittyCats are a specially designed collectible cat with random Genesis KittyCatS traits which have the possibility to pass their hidden traits, like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
- Can they breed something special? - YES! If you breed 2 blOOperS! kitties together, they will give you a special first-time baby that you don't want to miss!
KittyCatS! Shop
KittyCatS @ So CaL