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Full Version: KittyCat of the Month - July 2019
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Hi there, Everyone! Firstly I'd like to apologize for running a little bit late with the KittyCat of the Month stats for July! It's been just a tad bit hectic, and I'm still learning the ropes! And now, here are your KittyCat of the Month stats for July:

[Image: 2w1tjmf.jpg]

Fur: Siamese - Flame
Eyes: Galaxy Moon (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Blush
Tail: Fluffy
Ears: Rounded Fold
Whiskers: Flame (Double Plush)

You can read all about the KittyCat of the Month contest here:
Beautiful kitty I love purple. Shouldn't the month read July?
(06-22-2019 12:05 PM)Serena Stroikavskoi Wrote: [ -> ]Beautiful kitty I love purple. Shouldn't the month read July?

Oops. Yes. Smile Fixed! Thank you!
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