Looking for an inexpensive kitty to permapet (looks like my rl cat):
Breed: Tonk BMT *Natural* or Russian Blue *Natural*
Whiskers: Guitar, Lush, Boo (any of these are fine)
Eyes: Any natural shade of GREEN, BLUE or even Pewter (Genesis shades are fine)
Ears: Genesis, Dreamy Fold, Scotty Fold (not in any order, any are fine)
Tail: Genesis, Frisky, Sassy (not in any order, any are fine)
Thank you in advance:-)
This boy is the closest that I've got. He is hiding the boo boo whiskers if you wanted to try to breed them into showing on a kitten. The Tiger Curl tail is very much like the frisky and sassy, in that it is an even thin tail.
Fur: Tonkinese - Blue Mink Tortie
Eyes: Pewter (Mysterious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Tiger Curl
Ears: Pointed Soft Fold
Whiskers: White (Mysterious)
Size: Normal
(03-18-2019 10:08 PM)Carolinnea Erdheim Wrote: [ -> ]Looking for an inexpensive kitty to permapet (looks like my rl cat):
Breed: Tonk BMT *Natural* or Russian Blue *Natural*
Whiskers: Guitar, Lush, Boo (any of these are fine)
Eyes: Any natural shade of GREEN, BLUE or even Pewter (Genesis shades are fine)
Ears: Genesis, Dreamy Fold, Scotty Fold (not in any order, any are fine)
Tail: Genesis, Frisky, Sassy (not in any order, any are fine)
Thank you in advance:-)
I have a ton bmt with aqua eyes but it has silver whiskers which I know your not looking for. But I have to work in to until 1 dog but I will send you pics and state through so to your profile when I am done. Then you can let me know if it's what you would need. Ttyl.
Thank you so much for taking the time to look!
I like all of those traits, but I am trying to avoid the pointed ears if possible.
(03-18-2019 10:08 PM)Carolinnea Erdheim Wrote: [ -> ]Looking for an inexpensive kitty to permapet (looks like my rl cat):
Breed: Tonk BMT *Natural* or Russian Blue *Natural*
Whiskers: Guitar, Lush, Boo (any of these are fine)
Eyes: Any natural shade of GREEN, BLUE or even Pewter (Genesis shades are fine)
Ears: Genesis, Dreamy Fold, Scotty Fold (not in any order, any are fine)
Tail: Genesis, Frisky, Sassy (not in any order, any are fine)
Thank you in advance:-)
~Found what I wanted! Thank you so much~