KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Current service issues 2/25 (ALL FIXED)
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OMG YAY!! i could not sleep so i checked a message and came on and things look like they are fixed!! store is open!!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING!! YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!! WOW. love you so much!! best community EVER!!! now i can sleep!! please proceed with kitty fun! we'll answer all the tickets as soon as we can!!!!

if your cats prims are weird, or not normal you can put them in and out of low prim mode to fix it!

thanks! and please keep chat kind and respectful, and pleae review our guidelines. if they are not kept we will disable chat privleges. thanks

Hi all. I thought it would be helpful to put what we know in a thread that you can easily direct others to. Smile

First our most recent notices:

- when we get an all clear we will open the store. food can not be bought atm, money is taken and NO food is given! we don't want that happening to YOU.

thanks for your patience we'll get thru this!!

- our store will be closed until we get an all clear from LL about this issues as it's affecting the KC sim. Smile

- the issue is for SURE with second life. they are looking into their various hosts all over the US that host their sims. so they need to do their own trouble shooting now.

this is not just affecting our cats. we will be sure to stay on top of it and let you know what we learn! thank you for your patience!!

And then a message we posted in chat:

Currently there is an issue with Second Life. LL is having to look into their hosts to figure out the issue. This is affecting many things including our cats. At this time please refrain from breeding cats, rezzing new ones, or buying items. The store will be closed till the issue is resolved and we get the all clear. Make sure to check the notices for more info and updates!

So right now, we are sure the issue is on LL's end and not ours. LL is looking into the problem and we have to wait for them to resolve things before we can look again at our issues.

The store is temporarily closed since purchase deliveries are not working. We know this is may be an inconvenience but we don't want people to purchase food and lose money since they won't receive it! We will re-open as soon as deliveries are working. If you need food and your cats get sick before we're able to re-open the store, send us a ticket so we can follow up with you.

Rezzing cats, boxes, changing prim states, breeding cats, birthing boxes can cause error text about loading. If you have a cat stuck loading, please leave it alone - it may eventually load once things are working.

Purchases in the Cattery and Cattery retrievals are not working since the Dock is also being affected.

If you've been affected by the issues mentioned above or if you are just having trouble with your KittyCatS, please file a ticket so we can follow up with you. You can file a ticket at and you can find instructions for filing a ticket here: How to file a ticket with KittyCatS.

We really appreciate everyone's patience while we follow up on this issue. We know it's frustrating but just bear with us and we'll work to make things right once LL has resolved things so we are able to. In the meantime, if you have questions or need help, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thanks! <3
You are the awesomist...i know this is a difficult time, when things are totally out of your hands. I know it can be difficult, having seen a "crash and burn" of another system recently, due to having their server completely wiped by a hacker. I hope that things work out for this soon...your service AND the customer service is awesome!
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