01-24-2019, 03:03 AM
I have been gone from Sl a year now i have tons of kitty's i love! Only issue is i have too many i cant afford to feed them and some i dont have enough prims to lay them down at where i live. Im not good on money right now and would love to sale some my babies to someone that will love them and can take care them. Some are sick from me being gone to long they will need meds/food. There are a few that are fixed tho and will not need be feed at all and are good health. Im willing to sale them cheap even the ones i had fixed which in past cost me me lot
all are reg size but for one hes a mega! he is sick and not fixed but he is a very pretty! This my first time posting on here im not sure 100 pecent how it works so please message me if interested i be happy to meet show u them all thanks
i have more cats then just[attachment=5018][attachment=5013][attachment=5015][attachment=5020][attachment=5019] pictured as well