Can you help me to solve my problem
Writing has become a cat's head above the red and wrote it Update me
Please help me where I can find these updates and thank the one who helped me
If you click your cat there should be a update button in the menu that will send you the updater.
I was going to make a thread too - I am pressing teh update button but I don't get anything, which is weird.
It might take a bit for the updater to be sent to you.
It will be in your inventory, in the objects folder.
Once you have it, rez it, left click it & it will update all the cats & boxes you own that are rezzed on the sim.
I've been prompted to update my cats 5 times now.. All in which needed to be repriced every time.. How can I keep this from happening?
Nothing to do against the repricing sadly, it's an SL security KC can't do anything to turn around it.