Fur is not important, though in general I would prefer something mid-range. I will, however, consider all furs. I'm trying to preserve the eye but must be a 9T cat and would prefer something reasonably priced as this will not necessarily be a cat I keep beyond hopefully getting a couple of kittens with the Blush Quartz eye to tuck away in inventory. Contact me here or drop me a notecard in world to let me know what you have.
i have this one :
♂ 9T Natural Mink Triple Tiger Blush Quartz Flash Tiger Curl Wild Tiger Black W. Hides Dreamy Whiskers
Fur: Tonkinese - Natural Mink
Eyes: Blush Quartz (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Flash
Tail: Tiger Curl
Ears: Wild Tiger
Whiskers: Black (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: Normal
You can see it here :
Take a peek
really happy for you