09-11-2018, 09:11 AM
I've been in SL a very long time and it's required a few breaks along the way. I've had KittyCats almost from the begining and when I came back in world this past Spring and I rezzed my kittys I was able to update and revive every single one of them to my complete surprise. They all appear healthy. Most of them are limited edition Kitty's like my Pink Diamond or one that's black with flames on it. I'd like to just keep them as pets. My question is some of them have ages like 2000 days or more, roughly 4 - 5 yrs. I've never purchased or given any of them the Perma Kitty Pet pills but they still appear to be pets and don't eat. Is this what's happening or is there something else that could be malfunctioning and preventing them from eating. I don't want them to starve or get sick!
Lady Jacquie