i just want megas idc wha kind wha type wha fur just any kind and im willing to trade or sum for one i have too many normals and ive yet to own a mega
(09-05-2018 10:06 PM)KH0RRUPT3D Resident Wrote: [ -> ]i just want megas idc wha kind wha type wha fur just any kind and im willing to trade or sum for one i have too many normals and ive yet to own a mega
two places to look for cat eg mega
Torgan's profilers mp
rms profilers mp
some real bargains there
(09-05-2018 10:38 PM)BlueMidnightBlakeAlexander Resident Wrote: [ -> ] (09-05-2018 10:06 PM)KH0RRUPT3D Resident Wrote: [ -> ]i just want megas idc wha kind wha type wha fur just any kind and im willing to trade or sum for one i have too many normals and ive yet to own a mega
two places to look for cat eg mega
Torgan's profilers mp
rms profilers mp
some real bargains there
links are mega searches from cheapest up you'll like mega their nice friends
I have some megas and I will be in-world this evening for an auction.
i have some here. :
Take a peek
I have a bunch of newly discounted boxed at:
I also have one handsome boy who is for sale for 600L:
♂ Reynard ~ for Sale
҈ 231 days ♥ Off ☻ 91% ☪↯ 94% 모☁ 11%
Fur: Burmilla - Blue Shaded
Eyes: Galaxy Moon (Mysterious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Super Posh
Ears: Scotty Fold
Whiskers: Silver (Double Dreamy)
Size: 180 cm (70.9 inch) - MegaPuss