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I've gone around and verified all the auctions/classes I could locate... updated names, times, auctioneer names and locations on the google calendar.

If your auction/class was one I missed, I apologize, and I ask that you contact me either here or in-world with your auction information (date, time, location).

I will add it to the calendar ASAP.

I think the FelineS sim has now closed (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) so any links to auctions at that sim should likely be removed. :-)
(07-27-2018 12:44 PM)Ellen Ireland Wrote: [ -> ]I think the FelineS sim has now closed (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) so any links to auctions at that sim should likely be removed. :-)

I removed them as of the OP. The link is in my signature if you'd like to check on any others.
The ones that caught my attention as still being there were the FelineS patron auction, the Full Friday auction with Coverboy Kelly, the Happy Tuesday auction with Julia, and the Uni & Friends auction. There might be others that I've missed.

Edited to add: Also, the Kitty College Auctioneering 101 still has the Oncilla Ridge LM.
(07-29-2018 01:43 PM)Ellen Ireland Wrote: [ -> ]The ones that caught my attention as still being there were the FelineS patron auction, the Full Friday auction with Coverboy Kelly, the Happy Tuesday auction with Julia, and the Uni & Friends auction. There might be others that I've missed.

Edited to add: Also, the Kitty College Auctioneering 101 still has the Oncilla Ridge LM.

Some of those may still be on the calendar as past events as I didn't delete them going backwards, just going forwards from the date that they were no longer held or as I went to each and every location to verify name, date and time for all the ones I had. If you look at the current week and going forward, you'll see those auctions are no longer on the schedule.

Also, if you check the upper right of the calendar link, you can change the view to either an agenda view (a list of events each day) or weekly view, if it'll be easier to see the changes from the monthly calendar.
Thank you, that should be helpful, since I hope to resume attending auctions in August.
bump bump
Thanks Navaar for keeping this going!
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