KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Special Collectible Cats - Older Collections - Boxed
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Did you come to KittyCatS later in the game? Did you miss out on some of the oldest collections? Here is your chance to get some. THESE ARE NOT PERMA PETS. This are the original, boxed versions. You can breed them out!!

Baroque Babies - Boy & Girl
King & Queen of Winterland
RainDear Boy & Girl
Mummy Mia Pumpkin Puke
LoveBees The Rock Star & The Writer
Team KittyCatS Tabby & Russian Black
Wild Flowers Wild Child
Cookie Cat Tasty & Scrumptious

All priced indvidually - Discount on pairs - IM me for details
Reasonable offers considered

HooT N Hollar Kitties
Here's Your Ride:

<3 Xxotic
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