What an amazing contest! It was really, really hard for our judges to rank everyone's work because there were so many fantastic and wonderful displays to choose from! We loved seeing everyone's hard work and creativity, and it was tough to make decisions!
In the end, we had a few ties, as well as some Honorable Mention awards because the results were SO close!!! And because everyone did such a great job, we decided that we can't let them all go home empty-handed. So everyone will receive a trophy for their participation in this event, along with a special gift of appreciation from us at KittyCatS!
Please be sure to check out the displays at our SL15B sim, and congratulations to everyone involved!
First place - 25,000K$
Peewee Kellner
Second Place - 18,750K$
Maxwell Grantly
Third Place - 12,500K$
Lixy Byron
Setiaa Resident
Solyyy Resident
Honorable Mention
Callista5 Resident
Eleanor8 Resident
Staicy Halsey
Darkstone Aeon
Kammie2 Resident
Katrin Miklos
Ladywench58 Resident
Maiuro Resident
Mefys Resident
New2017 Resident
Shugalug Resident
wiccanseductress Resident
(06-30-2018 07:59 PM)Kitten Longmeadow Wrote: [ -> ]What an amazing contest! It was really, really hard for our judges to rank everyone's work because there were so many fantastic and wonderful displays to choose from! We loved seeing everyone's hard work and creativity, and it was tough to make decisions!
In the end, we had a few ties, as well as some Honorable Mention awards because the results were SO close!!! And because everyone did such a great job, we decided that we can't let them all go home empty-handed. So everyone will receive a trophy for their participation in this event, along with a special gift of appreciation from us at KittyCatS! 
Please be sure to check out the displays at our SL15B sim, and congratulations to everyone involved!
First place - 25,000K$
Peewee Kellner
Second Place - 18,750K$
Maxwell Grantly
Third Place - 12,500K$
Lixy Byron
Setiaa Resident
Solyyy Resident
Honorable Mention
Callista5 Resident
Eleanor8 Resident
Staicy Halsey
Darkstone Aeon
Kammie2 Resident
Katrin Miklos
Ladywench58 Resident
Maiuro Resident
Mefys Resident
New2017 Resident
Shugalug Resident
wiccanseductress Resident
Whoo was the Jury ??? the first place is great but sorry for 3th place only ut a tree with some crystall stones on a ground in diffrent colours get same place how like my work ???? LOL maybe look at detail and not at people may u know longerr !!!
and now i am may rude but this contest was for me schon annoying when the deadline was normal ended and at the next day the deadline would be make for 3 people for 2 days an extra time maybe they not at the winner list but from this time it wasnt fair for the other ! and the Judge sorry i dont know who did but some what are on the last places was alot better than anyone what put only a tree on a ground or some other what are at the 2and place 3
thanky you
Congratulations on your first place position Peewee, I am very pleased for you.
When I entered the competition this year, I was amazed at how many beautiful and well-thought displays there were this time. Well done to those who took part and thank you to KittyCatS for the organisation of this competition.
Omg, I can't believe it !
1st... me? really? wow awsome ty so much
grats on your 2nd place also maxwell

Thank you!!!! And congrats to all the winners and participants!! So much love and care in all the decorations!!
(06-30-2018 09:47 PM)Setiaa Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Whoo was the Jury ??? the first place is great but sorry for 3th place only ut a tree with some crystall stones on a ground in diffrent colours get same place how like my work ???? LOL maybe look at detail and not at people may u know longerr !!!
and now i am may rude but this contest was for me schon annoying when the deadline was normal ended and at the next day the deadline would be make for 3 people for 2 days an extra time maybe they not at the winner list but from this time it wasnt fair for the other ! and the Judge sorry i dont know who did but some what are on the last places was alot better than anyone what put only a tree on a ground or some other what are at the 2and place 3
thanky you
"• Winners will be chosen by a KittyCatS! judging panel."
I can understand that, for each all of us, our display was the "best of all" because we put love, creativity, efforce, time, dedication and more, like when you have a child, and at your eyes, is the most beautiful baby of the world.
Like all the other childs for all the others moms
I really think that each display is beautiful, made with love, and also that what for "one" is "the best" for another is "nothing special" or "bad".
Beauty is subjective, and each time we enter in a contest we must agree with this.
I am very happy for the winners and spent much time for watch the displays in all their details and, if i were a judge, would not be able to elect a winner because i think all the displays are beautiful and unique, and, above all, for me these contests are just another way for show the love we feel for KittyCatS! and how much we care our Community!

(06-30-2018 09:47 PM)Setiaa Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Whoo was the Jury ??? the first place is great but sorry for 3th place only ut a tree with some crystall stones on a ground in diffrent colours get same place how like my work ???? LOL maybe look at detail and not at people may u know longerr !!!
and now i am may rude but this contest was for me schon annoying when the deadline was normal ended and at the next day the deadline would be make for 3 people for 2 days an extra time maybe they not at the winner list but from this time it wasnt fair for the other ! and the Judge sorry i dont know who did but some what are on the last places was alot better than anyone what put only a tree on a ground or some other what are at the 2and place 3
thanky you
1. The deadline to decorate was originally June 17th. In the notecard that you and the other contestants received letting you know the sim was open to decorate, I had written:
"Since we were a little late getting these invites out, and we've made a few changes, we're giving you some extra time. You have until 8am SLT on June 19 to finish your decor displays."
No one was given extra time because they were "late", nor did anyone ask for extra time. The deadline was extended before set-up had even begun. You had the same time to decorate as everyone else. It is great that you finished your display early, but to say that people went over the deadline and were given extra time because of it is
not true.
2. When the same people consistently sign up for our contest events, it is inevitable that the same people will often "win". You yourself have been in a number of our events and in fact
you won First Place in our last Decoration contest.
I understand that you may feel disappointed that you did not win First Place in this contest. Your display was very nice. I'm sorry you're not happy with the results.
I think everyone who won deserves congratulations on their accomplishment, and I think everyone who participated should feel proud of their work. I spent a lot of time creating the SL15B sim and I really loved seeing how everyone's work added to and enhanced the display. You all did a really wonderful job!

(07-01-2018 10:42 AM)Setiaa Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I say not my is the best i say is better than this with the tree, and alot other was better too example new with the small cups and all or callista and i think and thats my meaning when anyone what put a tree on a ground and some blinkin lights and thats all comes at the same place how like u and me and we both was better than anything is wrong with the eyes from the jury and sorry i am german and i dont think its a good thing to say this backside so i have write it here open the contest and the fishing are nice but some things from it are wrong 
Excuse me but I do not agree with what you're saying.
With respect I think that, really, if we are not ready to accept a defeat or the fact that beauty is subjective and that a jury decides who wins and who does not, we should not participate in the contests.
Also I do not think that being German, or Australian, or Dutch, or Italian, or French or else gives you the right to be rude: i sincerely like Soleyyy's display.
Think it's very rude to criticize her work in this way. What if someone say what you're saying on you?
We should be more kind to each other, life is really very short.