KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: KittyCatS at RFL Home Expo & Breedable Fair
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Hi all! We were asked last minute to put up a display for the RFL Home Expo and Breedable Fair so we decided to do that and contribute a cat for the OOAK auction.

Our display is located here:

And the OOAK Auction is here:

For our display we decided to be a little different and create a jungle park where you can visit with a few of our MEGA MegaPuss Menagerie cats!

[Image: kittycatshomeexpo2018_001-1024x768.jpg]

For our OOAK item, KittyCatS has a special giant perma-pet Lucky Shamrock Tiger up for auction! Bidding is now open at 2000L and the auction runs until June 2 at 1pm SLT. Remember all proceeds go to RFLofSL! Good luck and have fun!

[Image: KittyCatS-OOAK-Auction-@Home-Expo-Breedables-Fair.png]

There is no RFL exclusive item for sale at our display right now, since our participation wasn't planned originally, and we're trying to focus our efforts on catching up with our late collections, birthday, and get ready for SL15B. If that changes however we will let you guys know! Smile
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