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Full Version: From the KIBO NEKO Collection
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FROM THE KIBO NEKO COLLECTION which was developed and sold only for support and rebuilding from the heart-breaking earthquake and tsunami in March of 2011. The two pieces I am offering are KIYOSHI and NEKO.
I am offering the pair for $45K (reduced from 60K) or $30K for one. (Will Negotiate)
Please contact me about these kitties. You may IM me in world at GraceAGAIN Resident.

I hope your day is as blessed as mine is.Heart

Fondly - GRACE

[Image: dac095cb96c51d9cd8e769bcf2c46441.png]

(04-10-2018 01:05 PM)GraceAgain Resident Wrote: [ -> ]FROM THE KIBO NEKO COLLECTION which is developed and sold only for support and rebuilding from the heart-breaking earthquake and tsunami in March of 2011. The two pieces I am offering are KIYOSHI and NEKO. Unfortunately I cannot paste a photo here of them. I just can't seem to make it work.

I am offering the pair for $60K or one for $30K.

Please contact me IF YOU ARE SERIOUS about these kitties. You may IM me in world at GraceAGAIN Resident.

I hope your day is as blessed as mine is.Heart

Fondly - GRACE
bumpity boo

(04-10-2018 05:36 PM)TerrorMisu Resident Wrote: [ -> ]GRACE'S NEKOS! WOW! SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Heart

[Image: dac095cb96c51d9cd8e769bcf2c46441.png]

(04-10-2018 01:05 PM)GraceAgain Resident Wrote: [ -> ]FROM THE KIBO NEKO COLLECTION which is developed and sold only for support and rebuilding from the heart-breaking earthquake and tsunami in March of 2011. The two pieces I am offering are KIYOSHI and NEKO. Unfortunately I cannot paste a photo here of them. I just can't seem to make it work.

I am offering the pair for $60K or one for $30K.

Please contact me IF YOU ARE SERIOUS about these kitties. You may IM me in world at GraceAGAIN Resident.

I hope your day is as blessed as mine is.Heart

Fondly - GRACE
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