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Full Version: KittyCatS! St. Patrick's Day Eyes
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What's the big surprise????????? well here it is!

Your KittyCatS can have a special kitten box between March 17-19. The special KittyCatS will be born randomly.... but what will be special about them????

THEY CAN BE BORN WITH A VERY RARE EMERALD EYE TRAIT.... this is how it will work...

If your cat carries this new eye trait, it will have a "costume" eye over their real stats, which means if you have a Beach Blue eye born it will still have the Beach Blue eye trait as the first trait, and he special St. Patrick's eye will be guaranteed as second hidden trait in that KittyCatS. Again, it will SHOW the St. Patrick's eye on that cat AND will hide it too.

If you get your “dream” KittyCatS and you don’t want to wear it the costume eye OR have the new trait, you will be able to make a support ticket and we will retrieve your KittyCatS without the costume eye. That can be done only once so if you change your mind later we will not be able to bring the costume back.

Everyone has the chance to get one "special" KittyCat with these special eyes that will never be in the starter packs.

We hope you will love these amazing eyes as much as we do and good luck breeding!!

The KittyCatS! Team
OMG that is awesome. I need to break out more chastity belts before Saturday. How fun!

So question: if the Emerald eye will be hidden behind any real eye bred (for example Ody Rainbow as first trait and Emerald has hidden trait), does that mean it will be the most recessive of all eyes?
Oh NEAT !!
I've thought of more or less this way of introducing a special trait over the past few weeks but i thought maybe it would be too complicated to even bother suggesting it, or more exactly, trying to explain how it could work without messing up. A scrambled mind don't help either Blush
Kudos+ @ the team Smile
*Loves green and wants Emerald eye* Yeees! -I already moved all females with 80+% love faaaar away so they can't mate until I say so, hehe...

One question though: I was told that the Emerald eye happens only once per avatar - is this right? -And if so, some info about that lacks. I'd love if you'd confirm or deny this before rumours that may or may not be true start circulating too wildly ;-)

yes, one per avatar, good luck Smile
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