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Full Version: Surprise Collar? New Year's Gold Rope
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My kitty has a new collar that I didn't put on him, and he's not a collection cat so... I'm confused.
It's called "New Year's Gold Rope". I do like the collar, but does anyone have any idea how it got there?

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4671]
Someone said it looks like the collars on the DogCat kitties, and they're right! Maybe he was so disappointed that he wasn't one that the programmers slipped him one of the collars!
(01-14-2018 10:00 AM)MsMagick Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Someone said it looks like the collars on the DogCat kitties, and they're right! Maybe he was so disappointed that he wasn't one that the programmers slipped him one of the collars!

Or maybe someone asked for the costume to be removed? Did you buy the cat from someone else recently?
I think Mitsu is right.

I had the Garden Party special costume removed from one of my cats years ago (to see the very first fluffy tail) and when they sent the kitten back to me he was still wearing his costume collar and hat.
(01-14-2018 05:22 PM)MitsuruKirijo06 Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Or maybe someone asked for the costume to be removed? Did you buy the cat from someone else recently?

Nope, I bred it myself.

Okay, to be perfectly honest and accurate, it's the OS of two of my cats, which a member of my family was holding to try to get a surprise baby. It was not a surprise baby and they got one later while holding another pair.

It is an old Genesis fur that I'm resurrecting for a new Vintage line, and no new traits so no reason to remove anything.

I do think it was probably some kind of programming glitch with the collars from the New Years cats though.
I think glitch is the only explanation. But a good one. :-)
Maybe it was going to be a DogCat but changed its mind but decided to keep the collar Tongue
(01-18-2018 08:21 AM)Arwen Swordthain Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe it was going to be a DogCat but changed its mind but decided to keep the collar Tongue

I think you're right!! ;-)
LOL Cute! haha
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