12-14-2017, 06:26 PM
(09-30-2017 10:27 PM)aidenvaIeska Resident Wrote: [ -> ]
Tempest in a Teapot's CatTales Stores!
Come and See What's Brewin' in the Teapot!
As Always, Reasonable Offers Considered
★★Destiny Waters Sale! Just 2 PAIRS Live & Priced Right!★★
*F* 7T 3 Days ChatCat C&W #2 Perfect D.Waters Frisky Dreamy Fold D.Dreamy! 12k SOLD
*M* 3T 28 Days D Waters Puff Scotty (H:Moo & Monochrome) 6k https://gyazo.com/8564b9072b4c613d670bd1dc0cdb5379.png *Will Be at Gia's CatTales Auction TUES 4pm with Starting Bid of 4k!* SOLD
*F* 6T 35 days ChatCat C&W #2 D.Waters Porc Flame Wavy (DrFold Frisky D.D) 8k
*M* 6T 50 Days Destiny Waters Porc Posh Scotty Flame (DreamyT) 8k
Collectibles & Special Sizes:
BOXED 7T Burmilla Lilac MEGA! Perf Exo Seas Boo Boo Latte Double Dreamy! 6k
BOXED Maneki Dreams Togetherness 3k
9T Beautiful Live (Retired) MEGA Snowshoe Lilac Ody Bell Flair Posh S.Curl Blonde Plush 900
TOY uberCatS! - uberBaby 1500
TOY BOXED Snowbabies Don't Eat Yellow Snow 1500
SnowBabieS! - SnowCone - Girl 1200
KittyCatS! 4th Birthday - Pink 1400
And Don't Forget the Quality 9T 99L Wall!
Fluffy! Flame! Scotty! Double Pllush! EJ & Everything You Need for those New Starters Coming Soon!
A Few Left, So Grab'em Now at
Must See Peds to Believe the Hiddens Too!