KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Haunted Market Event Open to Breedables!
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This year along with our Haunted Maze event will have a market set up with rentals. This is a first come first serve market event. Once all the stands/shops are rented we are full.

This is open to anyone, there will be many creators/items for sale but we would love to see some kittycats out in the market as well, I know many of you have bred some awesome Halloween theme kitties!

-Each stand/shop will have a box at it. Buy the box to ensure your rental spot and you may rez a prim or go ahead and set up.

-The Market is open to all types of items including your own creations, gachas, breedables and more!

-We do ask that all items set for sale in the market follow TOS for any item they use, this includes min price restrictions set by full perm item creators.

-We do reserve the right to contact you and/or return any items that violate any TOS or Copyright!

-Boxes are out for you to rent.
-You may set up as soon as you like.
-The Haunted Maze Event starts Oct 13th 2017 so best to have items out by then.
-The Haunted Maze and Market will run though Nov 13th.

Once you buy your box please join The Flea Market Event! Group in order to rez your items.

Group: secondlife:///app/group/731e632a-94ee-d756-89db-5f63d68375e7/about

You my also, if you wish, add your photos to our Haunted Maze and Market Flicker Page! All the images will be gone through and approved on Oct 12th so they are ready when the event opens Oct 13th. Images submitted after Oct 12th at 6pm SLT might not get approved so try to submit your images ASAP! Please also include in the image info/description if the item is from the market or maze to help users find your items easier :3

Flicker Group:

Landing Point: Haunted Market Landing Point


(prices are for Oct 13 - Nov 13, if you set up earlier you get that time free!)

Level 1:
Green Boxes
20 prims per spot.
500L$ per spot. (125L/week)

Level 2:
Red Boxes
30 prims per spot.
1000L$ per spot. (250L/week)

Level 3:
Blue Boxes
40 prims per spot.
1200L$ per spot. (300L/week)

Level 4:
Purple Boxes
100 prims per spot.
1600L$ per spot. (400L/week)


If you have any questions or need any help feel free to contact:

Arella Ohmai
Certified Lunasea

Happy Selling!
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