(07-24-2017 10:51 AM)Evolving Yin Wrote: [ -> ]Another thought, what if we could use our menagerie dollars towards perma-petting a cat, like we can use it towards food? This would encourage more people to collect, and reduce some of the glut in the market.
We can already.
Just FYI : With Menagerie K$, you can purchase from the inworld store : anything sold by KittyCatsBiz Resident, but Gift Cards and Collection cats when we have some. This does include Permapet Kits.
I hope it helps,

(07-24-2017 03:14 PM)Curiouskitty Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Just FYI : With Menagerie K$, you can purchase from the inworld store : anything sold by KittyCatsBiz Resident, but Gift Cards and Collection cats when we have some. This does include Permapet Kits.
I hope it helps,

I do this all the time, I now have all the menagerie cats I want so those that go to kitty heaven perma pet those I can't bear to part with. I just tend to do it via the online cattery

(07-24-2017 03:14 PM)Curiouskitty Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Just FYI : With Menagerie K$, you can purchase from the inworld store : anything sold by KittyCatsBiz Resident, but Gift Cards and Collection cats when we have some. This does include Permapet Kits.
I hope it helps,

Yes, I just discovered this today. Thanks!!
I do agree. There needs to be a more price friendly perma petting option around the collectables. So many sick kitties who take up cattery as they await to be perm but we don't have or prefer not to waist the SL$/K4$ to feed them as they are just special to us and we want to collect them.
(07-12-2017 03:21 PM)Evolving Yin Wrote: [ -> ] (07-12-2017 06:00 AM)Arwen Swordthain Wrote: [ -> ]I'd also like to see a free permapet option for much older cats, say those over a year or maybe 2 years. I don't think that would discourage people who want pets but might be helpful for those of us that have collection cats we want to keep. Or maybe even a reduced price perma pet, if free is not viable maybe a Perma 365 or 730 for older cats at a cheaper price. I suspect many of us have cats that are over 1000 days old, maybe a free option for those cats.
Amen Arwen, maybe this would encourage more collectors too. It is so hard and expensive to find the old collector cats. Most the time they are either boxed or sick because most people don't want to spend the money to perma-pet them. But the cats full beauty can only really be seen in full prim mode.
(07-12-2017 06:00 AM)Arwen Swordthain Wrote: [ -> ] (07-11-2017 05:35 AM)Evolving Yin Wrote: [ -> ] (07-10-2017 12:38 AM)TasiaAmberRaeNaylise Resident Wrote: [ -> ]This is a good idea, however, some store cats in the cattery to await until they can permapet. In other words, allowing them to get sick until they can get a potion for them. So there would need to be an opt out feature.
This is an interesting idea. An opt out feature for cats that I don't want to feed, but may want to perma-pet some day. I used to keep these cats in my personal inventory so I didn't feed them. Recently, I transferred them all to an alt because I want to keep a more accurate count of my live breeding cats. Currently, the Pedigree lumps aged out and perma-petted cats into the live cat count. I wouldn't have to transfer all my museum collectibles to my alt if this count didn't lump them all together.
Maybe a break down with our count of under 121, over 121 and perma petted cats might be a useful addition. I too keep a lot of cats in inventory awaiting permapetting. A break down of our live count at a glance would be helpful. These poor kitties only see the light of day when theres an update and I rez them to update them.
I'd also like to see a free permapet option for much older cats, say those over a year or maybe 2 years. I don't think that would discourage people who want pets but might be helpful for those of us that have collection cats we want to keep. Or maybe even a reduced price perma pet, if free is not viable maybe a Perma 365 or 730 for older cats at a cheaper price. I suspect many of us have cats that are over 1000 days old, maybe a free option for those cats.
It would be so much nicer if it was not so expensive to permapet. I think it hurts the collectors market because so many more people would buy the permapet if it was not so expensive. There should be other options.. I agree about the cats being over a certain age.. being severely discounted or free.
With the new interactive things coming I'd like to see an update for the MeowMat that animates the cats to "use" it. Eat from it, maybe stick their paws in the water and lick.
Here are my thoughts on the collectables and perma petting.
I love love love the collectables. More than anything that I search for hours or days trying to find a collectable on sale. I unfortunatly only knew about kittycats, Jan of this year. So I never got the opportunity to see and buy all these wonderful collectables when they came out. I also like to do some breeding regular breeding too.
So I have about 40 to 50 some cats that are not perma petted - 3 of them are non costume. So here I am with all these cats. Do I feed them for the rest of eternity and hope they don't get sick if I have to put them in my inventory? Or pay 1800 to 1500 to perma one cat. Lets just say they're all over 120 and I'm buying them the 1500 bottle. Lets do the math. 1500 x 40 (amount of cats) = 60,000L. That is 244 US dollars and 30 cents to perma 40 cats, and thats only if they're over 120 days.
Now I get that me buying all these cats doesn't give Kittycats any money and surely if I don't buy the permapet solution or food kittycats gets nothing out of it - But I enjoy these cats and have enjoyed collecting more and spending my money on the new collectables just so I can get the full set. It gets me amped and happy.
Now here is the thing: I have never bred anything besides kittycats. Recently, I picked up three different kinds. Seeing how they work has discouraged me from breeding anything at all from kittycats. In fact I now have the costume ones I like the least that are not permapetted for sale.
This is by no means a threat of any kind - It's just way too much money and there should be a better solution.
Maybe hold a quartarly sale on perma, or if the cat is 500 days old it permas on its own. There are so many variables that can happen.
Kittycats - I do not know how you operate financially and I cannot tell you what to do (obviously) but I think as a member of the comunity and listening to others, it would be valuable to reconsider how perma petting is done.
Reading through all the suggesting I vote for all of them.
I specifically wanna vote for a perma pet solution. It would be a win win because the more kitties we perm the more we'll have out to display. You know free advertizement and all. There are so many options to do it to. An annual bulk sale, say at birthday time like kibble and milk are currently are sold in a builk option. Offer discounted at collection release times. A perma pet potions greatly discounted based on age like a senior discount like they are now at age 365 and so forth

An option like the menagerie kitties that so many, a lower amount than for k$$, will get you a perma pet potion. So you have to use menagerie $$ and not k$$ (every 20 kitties = 1 perma potions) to purchase. Make it non-transfer and do a vendor for 1 per avatar every 180 days. These are just a few suggestions that would be great for everyone all around.
Another issue I constantly deal with is duplicate delete me errors. Maybe, it is because I breed too many cats. I am really working toward getting this down.
This error is causing me a great deal of time and grief. I find a cat with this error. If I could search by ID # or open the cats pedigree from the box with the error, I could quickly determine if I already have this cat in inventory and just delete it; however, to many times I find that the original cat has this error so I can not trust to do this. Instead I have to look at the image and try to determine what traits the cat has, and then search in my cattery and hud to determine if this truly is a duplicate, or if I need to file a ticket.
If this cat box has traits unidentifiable by looking at the image, or if it is a cat I have a lot like I am in trouble! I have spent a ridiculous amount of time opening cats in my cattery to compare ID numbers and determine if I truly can delete the cat. A link to the pedigree of the cat with the error would save me a considerable amount of time, and maybe even KittyCat representatives answering tickets for cats who truly are a duplicate but the owner cannot easily locate the original.