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Haley Salomon and Relay for Life

I met Haley when we were both noobies. We spent a lot of time helping our friend , Bob Bunderfeld do the New Comers Q and A every week. Bob was the first person to utilize voice at his meetings, it was not SL voice and it was not the streaming we have not, but he had a way and it worked. Haley and I both attended his newbie meetings every week and there was a whole community of us that grew up together in sl under his mentoring encouragement.
Haley loved Green even than, she grew in sl to become the Queen of Green in Tiny Empires and i followed her. She got involved in Relay for life and was solidly involved believing in the cause for most of her Second Life. " I recently learned that she was one of the founding members of the Relay for Life's Relay Wizards for Spunky team" , and she committed almost every year of her second life to working for Relay until her husband became ill. Haley had a way of loving others and supporting them, bringing out the best and finding talent was her talent. She was my best friend in sl for over ten years....... and I miss her. She repeatedly bugged me to get involved in Relay for Life and i stubbornly avoided her nudgings. So now this one is for you Haley!

Relay for Life Kittycats Auction
In Honor of Haley Salomon
Who believed in giving until it hurt.
So why don't you?
Noontime slt (12 Noon)
Today friday 6/2/17
Celebrate the Kindness click here to tp

quote :
Super Confetti Lemonberry Mega on the Auction Block!!!!!! Have you dreamed of owning one?

Great retireds, mixes with new traits, 3 mega's all collectable! All cats are fantastic for breeding! All opening bids 500L per kitty!

Come get some kitties and donate to a great cause.
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