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Full Version: Chart Library Project: Eyes, folder 9 (nds 2 charts)
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So continuing the library project, folder 9 is next. A couple of charts are needed in this one to complete it so if you have it, please post it. Does not have to be a recent chart as long as it is a definite proof.
Tapestry Organic dominant to Prismatic
Double Odyssey Love dominant to Blush Quartz

Previous Library Folders mentioned on threads
Chart library: confetti
Chart library: Eyes, folder 10

The Eyes Library Chart Index

The Eye Library Charts: Folder 9

Key: On the Index, I have in yellow highlight the charts in the library. Blue is on Saga but not publicly available on the 'net or forum so those needed to be published in a public forum to be added. To be in the library, the charts have to be publicly available to be viewed for reference purposes.

here is a picture of the main index by dom for folder 9. At the bottom of the pic, you can see there is also an index by alpha. That is an alphabetical index so you look up an eye alphabetically to see which folder it is in.
[Image: 6cb9a6941337904beb618d854a7038ce.png]
I'll have dig in my cattery. I may have Tap Org/ Prismatic from when I was testing both against Pumpkin.
Adding a chart inline since it is not on the forum.

Blush Quartz dominant to Ody Bell. This is not a new proof as it was proven long ago and has shown in Saga for ages. However since there wasn't a published source for the proof on the web, adding it here to complete the library

[Image: 19d80df1104b458816adba54324fef71.png]
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